

The main chronic autoimmune neuropathies include chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN), and anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) demyelinating neuropathy.

On the basis of randomized controlled studies, corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), and plasmapheresis provide  benefits in CIDP. MMN responds only to IVIg. Because in MMN and CIDP, IVIg infusions are required every 3 weeks to sustain benefits or long-term remissions, there is a need for IVIg sparing agents.

 In CIDP, immunosuppressive drugs, such as Rituxan, azathioprine, cyclosporine, methotrexate, mycophenolate, and cyclophosphamide, are used,Rituxan controlled trials show that it is effective.

Controlled trials have not shown benefit to any agents in anti-MAG neuropathy. However, clinicians use many immunosuppressive drugs in both settings, but all have potentially serious side effects and are only effective in some patients. Thus, there is a need for new therapies in the inflammatory and paraproteinemic neuropathies. New agents targeting T cells, B cells, and transmigration and transduction molecules are discussed as potential treatment options for new trials. The need for biomarkers that predict therapeutic responses or identify patients with active disease is emphasized, and the search for better scoring tools that capture meaningful changes after response to therapies is highlighted.


If you suffer from the following Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms, please take your time and review this site carefully. It will, without a doubt, help you significantly in your quest for answers. The danger of Neuropathy, for many,  is it can be progressive. This means if nothing is done, it will continually get worse.  This is simply because Neuropathy has causes, yet nothing is ever done to stop or correct the cause(s).  Please read on and check these symptoms

The simplest explanation of helping neuropathy is to Find the cause/causes, FIX OR IMPROVE them, and Neuropathy Can Improve or be Corrected All Together!  The following symptoms , of Neuropathy Can Improve or be Corrected All Together!  The following represent the most common causes of neuropathy

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